dandorfman (dandorfman) wrote,

Хорошая новость!

New York’s Max Rose Loses Re-Election to House; Republican Pickup
Ana Monteiro 1 hr ago

(Bloomberg) - Republican Nicole Malliotakis, a New York assemblywoman and 2017 New York City mayoral candidate, beat incumbent Democratic Representative Max Rose for a seat in the U.S. House, after Rose conceded the race.

Max Rose leaves the U.S. Capitol building in Washington.© Bloomberg Max Rose leaves the U.S. Capitol building in Washington.
Malliotakis will represent New York’s 11th congressional district, a more conservative part of the city encompassing Staten Island and part of southern Brooklyn.

Демократ проиграл выборы республиканке в округе, в который входит Статэн-Айленд и часть Южного Бруклина. К этому проигрышу приложили руки и голоса наши люди.


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